Hidden causes of weight gain

Weight gain occurs when calories deal with on a regular basis and larger than those used by the members of the body in a natural state or during physical exercise quantity. But lifestyle habits that contribute to this does not always appear clearly.

Losing weight means eating fewer calories and burn more energy through physical exercise.

This sounds simple. But more than 60% of adults in developed countries suffer from overweight or obese. Our lifestyles attest that many of us deal with more calories than the calories that we need, and we exercise little physical exercise.

Can you identify some of the reasons for increasing the weight of the following reasons?

Food which is described as "low-fat"

A lot of food is described today in supermarkets as "low-fat". But there is a trick in it also describes the nutrition scientist Lisa Miles. "Low-fat foods contain high levels of sugar in some cases. Food can also contain high levels of sugar a lot of calories, which contributes to weight gain."

What can I do?

 Says Lisa Miles "Read the labels on the box." "You have to look at the total calories of energy in general. Food may contain a reduced amount of fat but nevertheless may contain the same amount of calories." The food is described as "low-fat" on more than one alternative her calories may contain. For example: "low-fat" pie may contain more calories than raisin cake. Learn more food alternatives in health ex changers healthy food.


It may be easy to get the sugary energy boosters when tension. If it strained repeatedly increased the possibility of increasing your weight.

What can I do? 

Says nutrition specialist Anna scaling "snack of fruit and vegetables and other low-calorie options such as normal, biscuits, rice cakes popcorn." And look for ways to ease the tension does not include food. Scaling also explains: "Exercise helps promote mental health through the release of endorphin's, which helps eliminate the tension."


Can contribute to watching television for long periods of inactive lifestyle, where deals with a lot of us do not need calories while watching TV. It describes scaling: "People often find that they eat meals from energy-rich foods such as potato chips and chocolate while sitting in front of the TV."

What can I do? 

Says Anna scaling "If you're concerned about your weight, do more physical exercises daily, if your health allows it." "Try walking to work, school or the shops and spend less time in front of the TV. Do not forget that you can do lots of exercises while watching television, such as the use of bicycle exercise." For more ideas to see activity on your style.

Treasury medicines

The weight gain is a common side effect of many medications. The most common medications that cause weight gain is Sterilization (which are taken for many conditions, including arthritis, asthma and eczema) and anti psychotic medications, insulin and others.

What can I do? 

Never stop taking prescribed medication unless you are asked your doctor or a specialist to do so. If you're concerned about weight gain, talk to your doctor. During and make sure that you follow a healthy diet balanced.

Late at night

Some research indicates that lack of sleep may contribute to weight gain. The doctor says Neil Stanley, a sleep expert at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital: "There seems to be a strong link between lack of sleep and weight gain."

What can I do?

 Simply put: growth for longer periods. Stanley says the doctor, "you will feel something wonderful when you wake up after a good night's sleep." "We consider at the moment of sleep a waste of time, but sleep is essential to maintain good physical and mental health." If you have trouble sleeping, get the advice in coexistence with insomnia.

Good behavior

Friends and family encourages you to lose excess weight in a perfect world. But they sometimes push you to eat more high-calorie food. Is it rude not to finish the meal of those double chocolate cake at a dinner party? Sometimes I feel that it is this way.

What can I do?

 Learn to say "No, thank you" and stick to it. Go back to the idea that it's okay to leave some food on your plate. Friends and family will respect the decisions later.

Lots size

Increased over the past few decades, the size of the quota served in restaurants and supermarkets. For example: A study conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) that it has doubled the size of burgers since 1980. This is not surprising. Where research has shown that when you provide us with a greater share tend to eat more.

What can I do?

 Dealing with the larger sizes of the quota Ptoagafk be eating when you feel full.

Eat slowly and you'll have a better chance to avoid that feeling of satiety. Feet to yourself at home and thought a smaller stake in whether you really want another meal. Avoid large stakes when you eat outside. You can control the serving size and save money when Think fresh and healthy meals at home.

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