Fitness Health balm for man

No matter how old you can, since childhood, to maintain the health and fitness, if the awareness of the importance of exercise, and keep saying her performance regularly, and increase the quality of its benefits and how to choose these exercises, to suit the ages of man.

And here in our theme this will follow up these ages, and changes in the body at every stage, and the quality and how to exercise that suits both of them.

From two to five years

Growing child's body at this stage with remarkable speed, and can hardly bear the weight of weight and muscle. And it proved one of the studies carried out by researchers in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Maryland in Washington, that the child activity and moves random Automatic, better muscular activity can play in that period.

And here it comes to mind the question about the amount of exercise that must be performed by a child at this age. Specialists say it should not be indiscriminate automatic exercise period for more than 15 minutes a day.

What if the quality of exercises that fit a child who crawls, or barely can walk on his feet? Professor Craig Williams, associate director of the Center for Health and exercises children at Creeps
University Research says: "The child is born and has a ready instinctive climbing, running, jumping and moving, we must allow him to do so, but should encourage it as a first step on the ladder of fitness permanent."

According to what he sees specialist Medicine American children, Dr. Eric Small, a child can do with other types of organized exercise that fit this stage, such as exercises crawling, and air sports, and "Yoga" children, but they are not necessary, as that young bodies can not exercise necessary to strengthen and improve the health status of the heart and blood vessels physical activities, as they are not needed in the foundation. Psychologically, can result in excessive sports activities regular counterproductive,owner of a child three or four years can get bored if attached to one of the football clubs or any sports activity official.

From five years to eighteen years

That is the stage of hormonal changes and rapid growth, as the child grows the male body in this period by nine centimeters per year, while the girl's body to grow by eight centimeters.

And when they reach the age of 12 and a girl of 13 years, its growth rate increase to be completed in eighteen years, while the boy's growth is completed at the age of twenty.

And perseverance to perform exercise in this age of great importance, because of its active role in stimulating the natural growth of a boy and a girl, also avoided becoming obese in adulthood.

And must be on the fifth and even children eighteen years, the performance of an hour a day of moderate exercise, which requires them to great effort, but not up to the point of exhaustion.

As seen by Professor Ken Fox, professor of physiology at the Department of Exercise and Health at Bristol University in London (UK), it does not harm if extended this hour of exercise, it is obvious that the exercise period of increasing the specific time, because the fact that the child is sitting is an exercise It finds itself.

With regard to the quality of exercise that suits bones have yet to reach full growth phase, it is recommended specialists exercise moderate sports, such as swimming, running, cycling, that enhance the natural growth of the body and just about obesity  risk of obesity, and the need to avoid violent sports such as weight lifting.

Parents are advised acquisition of ropes jumping and networks of small basketball, and sticks Pogo and baseball and cricket, in homes to be accessible to children. The Parents must be the child encouragement in the age of ten and even eighteen, a boy was or daughter, to take part in sports competitions, and jogging , and cycling.

And it must not marginalize the role of school sports, for the competent authorities to pay more attention to the involvement of students from five to 16 years in school sports activities for at least two hours per week.

If it were not for school concerns such activities, for the father of the child, or the child, systematize it in a personal capacity, as studies have shown that children trends greatly affected by trends in the parents.

Of eighteen years to thirty years

This is the age where easy to maintain ideal weight, as the process of burning food up to be converted into energy to the highest level of efficiency, is to get rid of the calories in rest periods and even while doing an activity.

But it is possible that the body is exposed to increased regular in weight are difficult to get rid of them later, and is known that bone density up to the highest level between the twenty-fifth, and the thirty-fifth, and that muscle mass is at its best in the twenty-fifth, what makes this age period easier to maintain the agility and fitness.

It is advisable at this stage, the individual performance of 30 minutes a day at least, of moderate exercise over five or six days a week.

This does not mean that this is of sufficient duration to maintain the health of everyone in this age group, but it must be a three-hour performance at least weekly, from the air, which is active sports work of the heart and lungs.

You must not play games without a table of endurance exercises to maintain bone density and flexibility.

These exercises include moving the body on a surface, such as occurs during running or the air during practice games, it leads to stronger bones, and tendons, ligaments, due to the pressure on them.

It should be noted here that the rowing, swimming, cycling, do not fall under this kind of exercise.

Perhaps running, swimming, walking light, cycling, from the most suitable sports for the children of this stage, as can practice yoga for more flexible muscles.

If you do not have the time to do such exercises you can jump that activates the circulatory system and strengthens bones and muscles, and lead to burn 110 calories in 10 minutes.

Even from the age of thirty forty years

In this age group, if the person laze about the practice of physical activity will lose from one to two percent of muscle mass per year from the beginning of the thirtieth and beyond. Upon reaching the thirty-fifth will need to 125 calories a day, at least.

And secrete pituitary gland in both male and female small percentage of growth hormone in that age group, leading to a decrease in bone and muscle growth. Rights and exposed at this age to joint pain that may be up to Rip, and it takes a long time to heal.

The children of this age they need from two hours to four weekly hours of weight training and strength, which can be performed in sports or lounge at home using rubber belts, or the lifting of a large number of canning or even digging in the garden, in addition to the weekly hours of exercises stretch and flexibility, such as "Yoga".

The quality of the appropriate exercise for a person in this age include weight training exercises, exercise aerobic do not keep fit only, but also help in maintaining the muscles and hardness intensity he says, "Lewis Sutton", a lecturer in health and sports science at Leeds Metropolitan University.

From the age of forty even fifty years

In this age it weakens bones and deteriorate faster than their formation, and women lose one per cent of bone mass per year from the age of forty and even menopause, which occurs in the late forties or early fifties and is accompanied by a number of hormonal changes that cause weight gain at a rate of a pound a year until the expiration of his absence.

Hormonal changes that occur at the age of fifty in testosterone and the hormone "DH CIA," which is produced naturally cholesterol, which is produced by the adrenal glands of male and female, who is helping to control energy use, these changes begin to undo what makes keeping fit of things difficult, but the regularity in the performance of exercise helps in slowing the pace of these changes.

The appropriate amount of exercise for this stage it is two hours to four hours per week of weight and strength exercises, and exercises to strengthen the circulatory system, in addition to the weekly hour of stretching and flexibility exercises.

And appropriate exercises include aerobic exercise such as jogging which burns fat very effectively, so be sure to perform 16 thousand steps a day running to .And if I felt the pain in the joints, replace this exercise swimming or cycling.

It does not reduce the importance of the loads exercises, as studies have shown that raising the 70 per cent of the total as you can lift twice a week reduces the loss of muscle mass at this age.

It can perform such exercises in the gym or at home, where they can raise filled with sand or water bottles.

Even from the age of fifty sixty years

Muscle mass begins to deteriorate from the beginning of the age of fifty at the rate of five pounds a year, which negatively affects more men than women degree.

And replace the lost muscle of fat, indicating the real beginning of the troubles in autumn.

The change in women grease distribution process in the body after menopause, which women earn an apple shape due to the shift weight to the waist area, results in a risk of heart disease and reduces the ability to glucose tolerance.

To ensure there is no risk of this kind, can be a tape measure around the waist put, if exceeded measuring 80 cm for women and 94 for men it means you are at increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, and if exceeded measuring 88 cm for women and 102 for men it is a sign of access to the maximum danger.

The amount of the appropriate exercise of this age, it is two hours to four hours per week of weight training and strength, and exercises to strengthen the circulatory system, in addition to the weekly hours of exercises sensibility and flexibility, and include speed and endurance exercises such as tennis, badminton, and football.

The rush exercises, especially with carry heavy loads by hand, raising the legs tends to strengthen the thigh muscles, which helps to avoid osteoporosis.

From the age of sixty and more

The older man, the more water lost by construction of physical quantities, and the cartilage that protects the joints and tissues become weak and the risk of becoming more and more ease.

And osteoporosis degenerative condition frequently occur at the age of sixty and beyond, and occur when a weakened cartilage that protects the joints, causing  bending toward each other. 

And between the age of seventy and eighty, fewer tissue within the muscle to half the number for the torrid, which means the low ability to jump or exercising.

Upon reaching eighty least the length of a man by two inches while women fall short by three inches than it was the daughter of the thirties, and the reason for this decrease in bone mass.

Studies have shown that the elderly the most perseverance to exercise enjoy their bodies more flexible, as they are less prone to falls and injury to fatal diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and the amount of appropriate exercise of this age group, we must be careful to perform 30 minutes of moderate activity, five days a week.

If you suffer from arthritis, swimming of  exercise that suits you water is a strong protective pad for the body.

Parties and affect movements in different muscle groups, so always tried to combine swimming in front of and on the chest and back and butterfly.

The exercises such as weight or hardness exercises "Pilates" which aims to enhance the strength of the body's activities, increase flexibility and bring about balance, best suited to strengthen bones and prevent fragility.

Also, regular exercise performance in gyms a great way to ensure that no over-performance. The exercises Chinese "tai chi", which are slow and quiet performance of physical movements to induce a state of relaxation in body and mind, with an effective impact in improving the balance problems associated with aging.

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