Golden tips to get rid of wrinkles

The beauty is also an intimate friend of women, the wrinkles are the enemy of women. And the emergence of a single line of wrinkles when some women can infect appalled.

Wrinkles normal symptom of aging afflict all people but variable rates. Looking at someone's face, we can estimate the age of the face landmarks and the more facial wrinkles .

All what we expected to be the biggest in a lifetime. And wrinkles can appear on the faces of some of the people around the eyes and they are still in their twenties because of prolonged exposure to the sun is called the wrinkles legged crow, was seeing people in sixty years of age and barely simple wrinkles on their faces show.

I do not see a doctor to wrinkles only aesthetically, but also look at it from a medical point as a sign of aging members and other organs of the body.

Some women pay a fortune to get rid of wrinkles, have been subjected itself in order to remove those wrinkles wrong and harmful actions.

There is no doubt that it is the best prevention of wrinkles starting from childhood until old age does not bother us in. You may be superficial wrinkles easy treatment, and may be difficult to treat deep.

The most important reasons are wrinkles:

1. aging because it leads to:

- The lack of the amount of skin collagen protein is essential for skin tightening and wrinkle    resistance.

- The amount of fiber lack the necessary Elastin Skin to skin elasticity and keep the skin moisture.

- Dry skin and lack of thickness.

- Lack of secretions of the sebaceous glands.

- Decrease in the number of sweat glands.

- Lack of the hormone estrogen after menopause in women, which leads to a lack of collagen fibers in   the skin.

2. exposure to the sun, especially (UV responsible for 90 percent of the symptoms of premature    aging).

  And sunlight cause:

- Thinning of the skin.

- Crash protein collagen.

- Sabotage the fibers Elastin.

3. Smoking: It is more of the causes to be wrinkles and premature aging.

Perhaps one of the main reasons that compel us to quit smoking immediately.

It is common to note that heavy smokers abound to raid wrinkles around the mouth area.

And smoking:

- Reduces the skin to produce collagen protein.

- Reduces skin moisture.

4. white light (white race gets more of the black race).

5. psychological stress and daily pressures.

6. drinking alcohol.

7. malnutrition and vitamin deficiency.

8. exposure to dust, dust and chemicals (car exhaust and the use of make-up bad-made).

9. descent of rapid weight.

10. the use of tanning devices that generate ultraviolet light to get a bronze color (Tan) in some salons.


1. Non-exposure to the sun and use sunscreen and sunglasses that protect the skin area around the eyes.

2. Good nutrition and eating:

- Fish (especially salmon).

- Fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, apples, kiwi.

- Vegetables such as avocado, lettuce, spinach, ginger, tomatoes.

- Soy and have a good effect in wrinkle resistance.

3. taking vitamins (vitamin E vitamin C). And a lot of omega-3

4. Fat skin, especially face creams that contain collagen and the Elastin.

5. Drink eight glasses of water daily.

6. Stay away from stimulants, especially tea and coffee and replace it with green tea.

7. Use skin moisturizers.

8. get away from the tension and stress and sleep early for 8 hours a day.

9. do special exercises to remove wrinkles and special exercises the facial area.

10. not pout because that small tired facial muscles and increases wrinkles.

11. non-use of nailing the skin that earns bronze color devices because they generate ultraviolet rays that destroy skin and the most danger from the sun's rays.

12. Use of cream contains a substance (alpha hydroxy acid), which fights wrinkles.

13. scrape or newspapers or emery layers of the skin surface and conducted by a doctor for a young and new layers of skin.

14. chemical peeling skin using chemicals that have the ability to peeling of the skin under the supervision of a physician specialist.

15. injection of Botox into the skin but temporary effect disappears after several months.

16. Laser treatment is very effective in removing wrinkles and get rid of the effects.

17. that does not work all of the above may resort to plastic surgery to remove facial wrinkles.

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