Tips to improve the positive outlook for the body

The difference is a human trait, there is a difference in the shape and weight, skin color and beauty, and others. Consequently, a sense of satisfaction is different or non-acceptance of the form of the body of one person to another. Shape or form or the appearance of the body means how you feel and what do you think when you look for your body as well as how you think others see you when. We are not the only shareholders to form a view to our bodies, but share with us the family, friends and community, as well as the media play a prominent role in the formation of that view.

There are people who have a positive outlook and others to have a negative view. Life and the behavior of both parties are affected by the quality of the perception of body shape. Degree view range of body shape between the very positive very negative. The negative image of the body develop when someone feels that his body specification does not chime with the specifications and standards of traditional standards of beauty when celebrities, and contribute to media through advertisements for the perfect weight specifications and agility in the promotion of negative feeling toward the pictures of the body.

The negative feeling to the image of the body long-term significant effect on mental and physical health of a person include difficulty concentrating, social isolation, to stop the practice of health activities that require them to show the body, such as swimming, or sex, and go to the doctor, depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, and bulimia (overeating). If these disorders remain untreated will develop into a very serious health problems.

In the world of always trying to persuade you to narrow the concepts and definitions of beauty, how can you maintain a healthy body image? Here are some tips:

-Eat when they are hungry. Take a break when you're tired. Try to deal with people who support your points and your inner strength who make you feel good about yourself.

-Accept and respect your body image as inherited those qualities-love as you love your family.

-Remind yourself that beauty is a state of mind, and not only physical state, the real beauty is not just attractive form. It is a feeling of satisfaction as you are, enhance self-confidence, self-acceptance.

-Healthy eating it promotes healthy skin and hair, along with strong bones thus improve your appearance.

-Remind yourself that life is too short not want to waste my time and my anxiety or worry about food, calories, weight, invest your time and effort in doing useful things to others. Helping others gives you a sense of satisfaction and enhance self-confidence and promote a sense of social value.

-March aerobic exercise regularly it helps to promote self-esteem, self-image, and energy levels.

- Remember that your body is a tool for the continuation of your life, not just appearance.

-Mastering stress management reinforce positive sentiment and hence the positive outlook for the body.

-Wear comfortable clothes you want to wear them, and that reflect the pattern of your personality, and that feel right for you.

-Keep a list containing 10 positive things about yourself - not to mention your appearance. In addition! Tick ​​all of the mirrors you say: I am beautiful inside and out.

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