Weight loss feels great

Weight loss feels great 
I'll tell you a story a friend of mine named Ahmed was heavily smoked and it was great weight, he decided to stay away from smoking in order to increase the weight and maintains his health, but when I walked away Ahmed smoking, weight increased a lot and become a burden to him, for the piece Ahmed decided to go to Dr. and help in solving The problem, Dr. job Medical tests for Ahmed.

Analysis showed that the blood pressure when Ahmad high because of the increased weight, he left the option to Dr. Ahmed: either to lose weight or start taking daily medication to lower his blood pressure.

Ahmed says: "My weight makes me feel terrible feeling." "I was suffering from breathlessness in bed at night, and even walking tires me. News about my blood pressure was the last straw."

Ahmed scored a local row to lose weight.

Ahmed says, "I was very nervous because I'll be the only man in the class, but there were two other men. Was the leader of the group speaks to us every week about healthy eating and suggested new ways to enjoy the food, while decreasing the calories."

Healthy diet

Ahmed chose dieting can eat a lean meat, vegetables and fruits. It was not all calories account.

"I do not do any plan requires a continuous count for me. I want more flexibility."

"Continue the plan was not very difficult because I am still able to eat my meals favorites like eggplant. Dealt with a little lean meat and completed the meal with vegetables. Replaced biscuits with fruit."

Ahmed was weight before going to the Dr. and follow the 118 kg weight-loss plan, Ahmad lost in the first week of 3.2 kg (7 lbs.). And it lost six months after the 19 kg (3 Stone). He felt excited and bought a device for walking and started walking briskly for 20 minutes a day.

Ahmed explains, "The key for me to continue to exercise the sport was the actual and gradual progress." "A few months later I was running seven miles. I've just completed a marathon."

Ahmed decreased weight, with the continuation of a healthy eating plan and follow-up jogging, healthy weight to 87 kg (13 Stone). His blood pressure returned to normal.

Says: "I feel physically better than ever. I can run around the park with the children. I can not even by that I walk with them to the park."

"I say to other frail you persevere. Then small changes and persevered, and it will achieve that."

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