Facial pores

Facial pores
The expansion of the pores of the skin and its persistence

The problem of the appearance of large skin pores is one of the most pressing problems for women. We are always looking for solutions to this problem, but we must look for the causes of the problem before treatment so that we can overcome it completely, and we must also know that some cases can not completely eliminate the problem, Only with age does cell flexibility decrease and it becomes difficult to treat.

The enlarged pores are affected by the general appearance of the face and cause dehydration and are most common in the nose, forehead and chin, but when the pores are enlarged, they become weak and more prone to dirt, and have been exposed to inflammation and the appearance of pimples. In order to overcome the large pores, many home remedies work to reduce pores And eliminate dry skin.

Facial pores

Women are interested in their appearance in general, but the first thing you see in a person is his face, so his freshness and beauty reflects a picture of caring and care. There are many ways and means of caring for him since eternity.

1 - Unification of skin color.
2 - lack of freshness in the face.
3 - the emergence of acne.
4 - the appearance of wrinkles.
5 - dry skin or increase greasy.
6 - the expansion of the pores of the skin.

The main causes of large pores:

1- Genetic factors may determine the size of pores and there is nothing that can be done to solve this problem.

2 - Excess oils where skin cells work on the secretion of natural oils to protect the skin and maintain moisturizing.

3 - The types of skin greatly affect the appearance of pores expands, fatty skin is more vulnerable due to the accumulation of dust and impurities within the pores, which works to expand and widen the pores.

4 - Use of inappropriate beauty products and when cleaning makeup correctly.

5 - Neglecting the skin and not cleaning it from the dust and impurities that accumulate inside of the main causes of the widening of the pores.

Nature treatments:

There are many natural remedies, the most important of which are the following ways that repeated use gives great results:

1 - ice cubes of effective and very simple methods, where we roll ice cubes with a piece of cloth and facial massage that the repetition of this recipe daily in the morning regularly reduce pores and regulate the secretion of natural oils for the skin.

2 - honey has many benefits to the skin and increase the glasses and use two tablespoons of honey and lemon juice, especially for oily skin and facial massage for minutes, and then left for 5 minutes and rinsed with warm water from the best recipes for the treatment of large pores.

3 - Tomato tightens the skin and works to reduce the pores, and how to use it be the age of tomatoes and put on the skin for 20 minutes and repeated 3 times a week to get a wonderful result.

4 - The option contains many important elements of the skin and it is effective for the treatment of various skin problems, and is an option of excellent recipes to treat the widening of pores, the use of cucumber juice with some of the table salt and facial massage for minutes of excellent recipes for the skin also take the option by mouth The body saves toxins.

5 - This new recipe we use 5 tablespoons of honey, and two tablespoons of oatmeal, and two tablespoons of powdered milk, and massage the face with circular movements and washing with warm water, this recipe is used regularly twice a week.

6. Use a mixture of orange juice and lemon sticks with a little honey.

Tips for skin free of large pores:

1 - use makeup remover and attention to clean the face before going to sleep; because the skin breathes at night and the presence of makeup and dirt prevent them from that as the cleaning is not only for makeup, but also to get rid of oil and dust on the skin.

2 - Use soap containing Salsalic acid, because that article works to clean the pores and take care of the skin.

3 - Use sunscreen regularly every day The sun works to damage the skin cells and destroy the collagen in the face, which increases the flexibility of the face.

4 - Avoid chemical peeling of the skin because peeling causes skin irritations. Although peeling skin cleanses and whitens the skin, it leaves it very thin and more susceptible to skin cancer.

In the end, skin care and attention periodically have the greatest impact on the appearance of beauty.

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