
It said a lot about the degree of weight loss makes it difficult to tell fact from fiction. Here the truth about the ten common myths about weight loss.

How to diet

Low- diet, diet food 5.2, detox diet, cabbage soup diet ... there is not sufficient diet programs prepare you for losing weight quickly.

Fitness Health balm for man

No matter how old you can, since childhood, to maintain the health and fitness, if the awareness of the importance of exercise, and keep saying her performance regularly, and increase the quality of its benefits and how to choose these exercises, to suit the ages of man.

Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Dogs

When losing weight you should be for your dog? The standard is, when the loss exceeds ten percent of normal (and when it is not due to fluid loss) of body weight.

woman beauty

The beauty of women aspiring to him the most important thing every woman in the splendor and beauty and glory and give it a priority interest in her skin side regardless of its consideration for being a girl or married or was overweight or skinny important is that her skin is a striking, Luster permanent freshness ....

Skin softening method

 There are several methods you can use to soften your skin. Here are a few options:

Moisturize regularly: Using a moisturizer can help keep your skin hydrated and soft. Look for a product that is suitable for your skin type and apply it after washing your face or taking a bath.

Use a humidifier: Dry air can strip moisture from your skin, making it feel dry and rough. Using a humidifier can help add moisture back into the air and keep your skin feeling soft.

Exfoliate regularly: Removing dead skin cells through exfoliation can help improve the texture and softness of your skin. There are several ways to exfoliate, including using a physical exfoliant (such as a scrub), a chemical exfoliant (such as an alpha-hydroxy acid or beta-hydroxy acid), or a combination of both.

Use a facial mask: Facial masks can help nourish and hydrate your skin, making it feel softer. Look for a mask that is formulated for your skin type and apply it according to the instructions on the package.

Protect your skin from the sun: Sun exposure can damage your skin and make it feel rough and dry. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply it every 2 hours when you're outside to help protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays.

Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated can help keep your skin looking healthy and feeling soft. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day to help keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

Ways to maintain body agility

Ways to maintain body agility
Ways to maintain body agility
Body agility

The lean body is a feature of beauty, and this feature is sought by many women, either by weight gain, or by eating a diet, but when reaching the body is lean, but access to weight is not enough, but every girl must adhere to a group Of the daily rules, whether in the diet or through exercise, So as to keep her body slim.

Tips to maintain body agility:

1 - Avoid eating quantities of pans, because they contain a high proportion of fat.

2 - Drink about two liters of water daily, and to avoid yourself stomach pain drink a glass of water every hour.

3 - When you eat your main meals start with the salad and the dish soup, these two dishes help to feel full, because they occupy an area of ​​the stomach, and then eat the main pocket.

4 - eat food silently, and avoid talking while eating food, talking while eating increases the amount of air entering the abdomen. Eat a good amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, because they are rich in fiber that helps you feel full for as long as possible.

5 - Schedule a schedule for your meals, and get regular, and stop eating late at night.

6 - sprinkled with cinnamon powder hot hot honey, cinnamon spread effective in moving fat in the body.

7 - Keep walking for ten minutes after each meal, and be careful to exercise on a daily basis and regularly, do not hesitate to exercise also yoga, because it helps to relax the body, and thus keeps the body to thicken and beauty.

Exercises that maintain body agility :

1 - Make sure to use the normal staircase, instead of the electric stairs or elevator. If you live in a building with no stairs, you can jump for a minute, or you can climb on a chair and get off several times.

2 - Ascend your back to the wall, and sit in the position of squatting and stop several times, this exercise in maintaining the fitness of the lower body.

3 - Marcy exercises pressure, as well as exercise to convert the position to sit squatting, these exercises are very useful for the sides and shoulders as well.

4 - Put your hands behind your head, and sit and sit several times, these exercises work to strengthen the abdomen in general and stomach in particular.

5. I walk daily for an hour.

6 - Marcy sport to carry the weights of women, these exercises help to strengthen the muscles of your body, and maintain flexibility.

Facial pores

Facial pores
The expansion of the pores of the skin and its persistence

The problem of the appearance of large skin pores is one of the most pressing problems for women. We are always looking for solutions to this problem, but we must look for the causes of the problem before treatment so that we can overcome it completely, and we must also know that some cases can not completely eliminate the problem, Only with age does cell flexibility decrease and it becomes difficult to treat.

The enlarged pores are affected by the general appearance of the face and cause dehydration and are most common in the nose, forehead and chin, but when the pores are enlarged, they become weak and more prone to dirt, and have been exposed to inflammation and the appearance of pimples. In order to overcome the large pores, many home remedies work to reduce pores And eliminate dry skin.

Facial pores

Women are interested in their appearance in general, but the first thing you see in a person is his face, so his freshness and beauty reflects a picture of caring and care. There are many ways and means of caring for him since eternity.

1 - Unification of skin color.
2 - lack of freshness in the face.
3 - the emergence of acne.
4 - the appearance of wrinkles.
5 - dry skin or increase greasy.
6 - the expansion of the pores of the skin.

The main causes of large pores:

1- Genetic factors may determine the size of pores and there is nothing that can be done to solve this problem.

2 - Excess oils where skin cells work on the secretion of natural oils to protect the skin and maintain moisturizing.

3 - The types of skin greatly affect the appearance of pores expands, fatty skin is more vulnerable due to the accumulation of dust and impurities within the pores, which works to expand and widen the pores.

4 - Use of inappropriate beauty products and when cleaning makeup correctly.

5 - Neglecting the skin and not cleaning it from the dust and impurities that accumulate inside of the main causes of the widening of the pores.

Nature treatments:

There are many natural remedies, the most important of which are the following ways that repeated use gives great results:

1 - ice cubes of effective and very simple methods, where we roll ice cubes with a piece of cloth and facial massage that the repetition of this recipe daily in the morning regularly reduce pores and regulate the secretion of natural oils for the skin.

2 - honey has many benefits to the skin and increase the glasses and use two tablespoons of honey and lemon juice, especially for oily skin and facial massage for minutes, and then left for 5 minutes and rinsed with warm water from the best recipes for the treatment of large pores.

3 - Tomato tightens the skin and works to reduce the pores, and how to use it be the age of tomatoes and put on the skin for 20 minutes and repeated 3 times a week to get a wonderful result.

4 - The option contains many important elements of the skin and it is effective for the treatment of various skin problems, and is an option of excellent recipes to treat the widening of pores, the use of cucumber juice with some of the table salt and facial massage for minutes of excellent recipes for the skin also take the option by mouth The body saves toxins.

5 - This new recipe we use 5 tablespoons of honey, and two tablespoons of oatmeal, and two tablespoons of powdered milk, and massage the face with circular movements and washing with warm water, this recipe is used regularly twice a week.

6. Use a mixture of orange juice and lemon sticks with a little honey.

Tips for skin free of large pores:

1 - use makeup remover and attention to clean the face before going to sleep; because the skin breathes at night and the presence of makeup and dirt prevent them from that as the cleaning is not only for makeup, but also to get rid of oil and dust on the skin.

2 - Use soap containing Salsalic acid, because that article works to clean the pores and take care of the skin.

3 - Use sunscreen regularly every day The sun works to damage the skin cells and destroy the collagen in the face, which increases the flexibility of the face.

4 - Avoid chemical peeling of the skin because peeling causes skin irritations. Although peeling skin cleanses and whitens the skin, it leaves it very thin and more susceptible to skin cancer.

In the end, skin care and attention periodically have the greatest impact on the appearance of beauty.

Ways to maintain the beauty of a woman during pregnancy and after birth

I would like to offer some advice to pregnant women about how to maintain the beauty and 
fitness during pregnancy, even her beauty back to the normal position after giving birth ...

Should pregnant women be careful to regulate their food and dealing with fruits and vegetables to provide the body the necessary vitamins, and must also take appropriate calcium amounts, to be addressed for the food generally moderate rates, as it should avoid any diet system during pregnancy, so as not to affect the health of the fetus, without that this leads to overeating.

The costs shown in more than one area of ​​the skin, caused by the body is exposed to the hormonal changes during pregnancy. And women entrepreneurs dark skin are the most vulnerable to the appearance of freckles, and a pregnant woman in this case to resort to the use of creams and in the prevention of costs if it appears already by the speed of resorting to the use of special creams to avoid downgrade its continuation after birth.

The continuation of flatulence after birth due to the pregnant woman's body storing a large amount of water, as well as stretch marks during pregnancy to accommodate the fetus, and can overcome this problem by organizing a pregnant woman to her food with a walk, and use special creams to address the expansion of the skin abdomen all this area It helps the body back into shape after childbirth.
 "These creams are used during pregnancy, even after birth, before choosing a decent user type on pregnant women to consult a doctor or beauty, that the practice of sport as simple as walking during pregnancy maintain the vitality of the body and help facilitate the birth process."

woman beauty

The beauty of women aspiring to him the most important thing every woman in the splendor and beauty and glory and give it a priority interest in her skin side regardless of its consideration for being a girl or married or was overweight or skinny important is that her skin is a striking, Luster permanent freshness ....

Some tips to keep your skin beauty:

 always advised to wash the face with cold water even in times of cold because the cold water  keeps  the skin blood flow to them quickly when they're washing your face with cold water and  you'll notice  that only Try.

 egg yolk mask is very nice to those suffering from oily skin regardless of its fragrance.

 black pill and honey mask works for them ravenously to preserve it and not the appearance    of acne.

 beautiful olive oil and lemon mask of the neck.

 Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal and two tablespoons of lemon is used for those who suffer    from knee or darkening elbows and neck.

 mask yogurt with grated option helps skin whitening and maintained.

 Do not forget in the first-class eating fruits and vegetables because they are very useful.

 cucumber slices for darkening the eyes and face very useful ....

Golden tips to get rid of wrinkles

The beauty is also an intimate friend of women, the wrinkles are the enemy of women. And the emergence of a single line of wrinkles when some women can infect appalled.

Wrinkles normal symptom of aging afflict all people but variable rates. Looking at someone's face, we can estimate the age of the face landmarks and the more facial wrinkles .

All what we expected to be the biggest in a lifetime. And wrinkles can appear on the faces of some of the people around the eyes and they are still in their twenties because of prolonged exposure to the sun is called the wrinkles legged crow, was seeing people in sixty years of age and barely simple wrinkles on their faces show.

I do not see a doctor to wrinkles only aesthetically, but also look at it from a medical point as a sign of aging members and other organs of the body.

Some women pay a fortune to get rid of wrinkles, have been subjected itself in order to remove those wrinkles wrong and harmful actions.

There is no doubt that it is the best prevention of wrinkles starting from childhood until old age does not bother us in. You may be superficial wrinkles easy treatment, and may be difficult to treat deep.

The most important reasons are wrinkles:

1. aging because it leads to:

- The lack of the amount of skin collagen protein is essential for skin tightening and wrinkle    resistance.

- The amount of fiber lack the necessary Elastin Skin to skin elasticity and keep the skin moisture.

- Dry skin and lack of thickness.

- Lack of secretions of the sebaceous glands.

- Decrease in the number of sweat glands.

- Lack of the hormone estrogen after menopause in women, which leads to a lack of collagen fibers in   the skin.

2. exposure to the sun, especially (UV responsible for 90 percent of the symptoms of premature    aging).

  And sunlight cause:

- Thinning of the skin.

- Crash protein collagen.

- Sabotage the fibers Elastin.

3. Smoking: It is more of the causes to be wrinkles and premature aging.

Perhaps one of the main reasons that compel us to quit smoking immediately.

It is common to note that heavy smokers abound to raid wrinkles around the mouth area.

And smoking:

- Reduces the skin to produce collagen protein.

- Reduces skin moisture.

4. white light (white race gets more of the black race).

5. psychological stress and daily pressures.

6. drinking alcohol.

7. malnutrition and vitamin deficiency.

8. exposure to dust, dust and chemicals (car exhaust and the use of make-up bad-made).

9. descent of rapid weight.

10. the use of tanning devices that generate ultraviolet light to get a bronze color (Tan) in some salons.


1. Non-exposure to the sun and use sunscreen and sunglasses that protect the skin area around the eyes.

2. Good nutrition and eating:

- Fish (especially salmon).

- Fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, apples, kiwi.

- Vegetables such as avocado, lettuce, spinach, ginger, tomatoes.

- Soy and have a good effect in wrinkle resistance.

3. taking vitamins (vitamin E vitamin C). And a lot of omega-3

4. Fat skin, especially face creams that contain collagen and the Elastin.

5. Drink eight glasses of water daily.

6. Stay away from stimulants, especially tea and coffee and replace it with green tea.

7. Use skin moisturizers.

8. get away from the tension and stress and sleep early for 8 hours a day.

9. do special exercises to remove wrinkles and special exercises the facial area.

10. not pout because that small tired facial muscles and increases wrinkles.

11. non-use of nailing the skin that earns bronze color devices because they generate ultraviolet rays that destroy skin and the most danger from the sun's rays.

12. Use of cream contains a substance (alpha hydroxy acid), which fights wrinkles.

13. scrape or newspapers or emery layers of the skin surface and conducted by a doctor for a young and new layers of skin.

14. chemical peeling skin using chemicals that have the ability to peeling of the skin under the supervision of a physician specialist.

15. injection of Botox into the skin but temporary effect disappears after several months.

16. Laser treatment is very effective in removing wrinkles and get rid of the effects.

17. that does not work all of the above may resort to plastic surgery to remove facial wrinkles.

Adjust the fitness time: when we must abstain from training?

Fitness exercises 

Just as pointing the fitness and how to do it at the time, you should also know when to abstain from it. In different physical situations, the fitness training may be harmful to your health. On this subject to you the following article.

Fitness exercises

There are also fitness time there are also cases of physical planned should be postponed because of his fitness training. When you have a fever (even mild), after the disease, when there is pain in the muscles, when tiredness and physical problems and other cases, then you have to take a day of rest instead of going out to the fitness very stressful exercises. After adequate rest, and sometimes after consulting your doctor, you can return to exercise regular exercises.